Large smoky citrine elestial crystal 2.87kg | ASH&STONE Crystals Shop Auckland NZ

Large natural smoky citrine elestial crystal 2.87kg

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Large natural smoky  citrine elestial crystal 2.87kg

What a piece! One for the crystal collector out there that appreciates distinct crystal specimens.

Crystal for chakra:

Root (opens the chakra gently) 

Crystal for star sign:


Crystal dimensions at largest points:









Smoky quartz crystal
Smoky quartz is believed to be an extremely powerful master crystal. 

This stunning smoky quartz crystal is thought to absorb negative energy, and is known as the guardian angel against bad luck. A strong grounding crystal for anxiety and panic.

Believed to help shed any energy or situation you are holding onto or unable to let go of. Due to this, it is best to cleanse your smoky quartz often by running under water, using sage or by the full moon.

Said to help people who are worn down with daily living and routine to carry on, a lovely ritual if you are feeling low, or flat, place your hands on a smoky quartz and imagine pouring your flat energy out of you and into the crystal to help release.

Also used for those who feel they need to protect their space or themselves from unwanted energies or spirits.  

Divinatory meaning: There is light at the end of the tunnel and you will slowly see improvements in a long-standing worry. 

Empowerment: I walk in hope towards the future, even if it seems uncertain right now.

Natural citrine crystal
Believed to bring light and happiness to the family home and gatherings, support financial abundance, and help to break the cycle of worry and guilt. 

Citrine crystals are considered powerful for manifesting and abundance. Often used by business owners and placed near the till or in their work space. 

The emotional healing is said to aid in uplifting during a low phase in your life, and overcoming repressed childhood hurts. When using during mindfulness practices you can use this affirmation if you are not sure what to say:"I am worthy of admiration, consideration and so I take my place in the sun". 

Divinatory meaning: Take a chance or speculate as luck is with you. 

Empowerment: "I am not afraid to take a chance".

Crystal for chakra:

Solar Plexus

Crystal for star sign:
