Perspicere metaphoric associative cards by Adam Robertson | ASH&STONE
Perspicere metaphoric associative cards by Adam Robertson | ASH&STONE
Perspicere metaphoric associative cards by Adam Robertson | ASH&STONE
Perspicere metaphoric associative cards by Adam Robertson | ASH&STONE

Perspicere metaphoric associative cards

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Perspicere metaphoric associative cards

No one describes these cards better than their author, Adam Robertson. In his own words ..

From a childhood dream, to a divine vision birthed into reality! I'm incredibly excited to introduce you all to the creation of Perspicere.

Perspicere - "To look through"

This name was a download, just like the rest of this pack - when I researched what it meant, it made a lot of sense. These cards are here to enhance your intuitive abilities, while working with psychology to evoke and trigger emotion, memories, ideas. There was never to be words or a booklet as part of this deck, because it was truly about reminding you that YOU ARE THE GIFT.

To look through, is to not just see an image, but beyond the image - what is the message? What does this say? What is the guidance, the teaching, the lesson?

Perspicere - Perspective, in Latin.

How to use Perspicere cards:
A 33-card deck. When you pick a card, let yourself be guided to the message it speaks. “Look through” and let it speak to you. Enhance your intuitive gifts, and in doing so enhance your confidence and trust in self!