Large crystals NZ: Large smoky quartz crystal sphere on LED lamp base

Large smoky quartz crystal sphere on LED lamp base

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Large smoky quartz crystal sphere on LED lamp base

This is one of the most exquisite smoky quartz crystal spheres we've seen in a long time. We've paired with a wooden LED base to create a stunning lamp. The crystal sphere can be removed and you can put any crystal on the lamp base to give a different glow.

Smoky quartz is believed to be an extremely powerful master crystal and is thought to absorb negative energy. It is known as the guardian angel against bad luck. A strong grounding crystal for anxiety and panic.

Believed to help shed any energy or situation you are holding onto or unable to let go of. Due to this, it is best to cleanse your smoky quartz often by running under water, using sage or by full moon charging. 

Divinatory meaning: There is light at the end of the tunnel and you will slowly see improvements in a long-standing worry. 

Empowerment: I walk in hope towards the future, even if it seems uncertain right now.

Crystal for chakra:

Root (opens the chakra gently) 

Crystal for star sign:


Crystal dimensions at largest points





Lamp base





Comes with USB power connector.